Eden Background

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Okay okay.....

I know I am just about the WORST at keeping up to date. I have so many friends who are very faithful to their blogs. I, unfortunately, tend to neglect my little blog. I'd like to think it was because I was busy living life and filling my days with things that really matter.

Truthfully, though, I am doing just the opposite - not too many interesting things.

My beloved husband is expected back home in ONE WEEK - and believe me, we are counting every hour, night, breath, etc. So, I have yet another lofty goal that has resurfaced: to organize/clean out my office to a functional level. Currently it is still slightly packed up and mostly filled with tons of art stuff.

I seem to be filled with lofty goals. I like to refer to them as dreams (because I'm a dreamer to say the least). It is probably not good for me to name these so called dreams because, to me, dreams are usually things you name in your life that are probably unattainable but things you would love to have/do.
One such dream is an on-going one: to learn to play the guitar. I like making music but have never been able to do it on my own. My husband gave a lovely guitar to me as a gift for our wedding. Regretably, I have yet to get past building callouses on my finger tips (probably 3 times). Now, we will be joining a new small group and another cause for the goal to resurface is the desire to be able to lead worship in small group.

...Maybe I need prayer for this....

1 comment:

  1. I share that dream with you. I really really really want to learn the guitar but it hurts really bad. What a wimp I am. Haha. I wish we were close enough to do it together. But, I can most definitely pray for your desires, dreams, and goals. You can do it. I have complete faith!
